Inclusive Design Content

Our platform enables us to work together and help increase your knowledge base of inclusive design. Our demonstrative models below are designed to give you an insight into what we offer in the Basic plan you have chosen!

We offer a variety of features with our service platform. Our weekly and bi-monthly webinars are designed to help introduce and conceptualise how inclusive design can be introduced into your work.

Week 1:

1. What it means to have inclusive design

2. Why it is important and how parties can benefit from this design strategy

3. How inclusive design can work for your organisation
Week 2:

1. Associated companies can help promote inclusive design strategies

2. Why should we engage with people with disabilities in the design process

3. What is needed to implement effective inclusive design

Week 3:

1. The benefits of our pricing model
(advanced / premium models)

2. Hear from leading experts and organisations in the design space

3. How inclusive design can benefit your employees experiences
Week 4:

1. Why an inclusive design community is needed

2. The benefits and pitfalls of connecting to potential users with disabilities

3. How to reshape your existing design strategy alongside users with disabilities

Optional Zoom consultations. Build and learn from informative consultations with leading experts.

Engage with our inclusive design consultations companies.

Introductory Webinars. Entirely optional and opens up opportunities to connect.

An opportunity to increase your understanding of inclusive design and project capabilities.

Technical Support We offer on-hand technical support if you have encountered any issues.

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